Testing out: Beauty Big Bang mini stamping plate! | BeautyBigBang

Testing out: Beauty Big Bang mini stamping plate!

A customer‘'s review,hope you enjoy this.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog !

In today’s post we will be talking about this cute mini stamping plate by Beauty Big Bang company ! It’s pretty small, but also great for so many different manicures ! I know that today’s mani is a little bit “fall inspired”, but I just couldn’t help ! This lovely leaf pattern was calling my name and the minute I saw it, I knew I’ll do green and black gradient to make it pop ! If you wanna know how I achieved this look, keep scrolling ! 

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

The star of today’s review is of course this beautiful mini stamping plate by Beauty Big Bang ! I usually choose bigger ones, but these work just as good ! Also, I’m huge fan of floral plates, which is why it wasn’t hard for me to choose this little boy ! 

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

Each small rectangle by Beauty Big Bang comes in this cute packaging with 6 different patterns ! The ones we see here are mostly floral/leaf inspired, but we also got some cute mosaic and arabesc designs ! Those are perfect for my favorite stamping technique – the reverse stamping !

It’s always preferable to use stamping polishes for stamping, but with these plates you can use regular ones as well !

For today’s manicure I chose to stamp these beautiful leaves over green and black gradient base! To add more dimension to my design, I applied matte top coat and this is the final result !

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

beauty bigbang, nail art, nail polish, stamping plate

If you’d like to order this stamping plate, follow this link:


Make sure to use code ZORANA for 10% off!

Article source:https://nailartmuse.wordpress.com/2018/05/17/testing-out-beauty-big-bang-mini-stamping-plate/

You can get free products:https://www.beautybigbang.com/pages/test-makeup-products-free




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