Some Basics About Nail Cosmetics | BeautyBigBang

Some Basics About Nail Cosmetics

Some Basics About Nail Cosmetics

What do you do when you want to try nail art but you don't know anything about nail art? We have collected some basic knowledge about nail cosmetics for you, you can quickly understand the characteristics of nails and nail knowledge. Scroll to read more messages.

Nail Cosmetics

  1. The edge of the nail starts from the smile line

Carcinogen edge refers to the part of the nail that does not adhere to the nail bed. The free edge of the nail starts at the smile line and sticks out your fingertips. The term "smile line" emerges from the similarity to the mouth, which comes from the manicure branch.

  1. Nail plate on nail bed

The nail plate appears at the base of the nail and adheres to the nail bed. The best keratinocytes form the stratum corneum and protect sensitive fingertips, which have about 3400 nerve endings. It consists of three corner layers, each with its own pore structure. The top layer is called the back nails. It is the hardest layer in the nail plate and acts as a protective layer against external influences. The middle cuticle is softer than the first cuticle and is called an intermediate nail. It connects to the first stratum corneum and consists of keratin. The lowest cuticle is very soft and is called belly nails. It is connected to the second stratum corneum and is also composed of keratin. The connective tissue of the nail bed is connected to the lowermost layer of the horn and is used for the growth of the nail plate. At the transition to the edge of the free nail is a fine cuticle called horny hair follicles. By the color of the nail bed, professional medical staff can identify diseases of human organs.

  1. Nail wall and nail fold

The nail wall (also known as skin folds) covers the nail plate in a growing U-shaped area. The nail crease is located between the nail wall and the nail plate, and there is a groove around the nail to protect the nail plate.

  1. Nail skin (epidermis)

There is still a layer of skin between the nail plate and the nail crease, called nail skin or epidermis. The combination of nail wall, nail crease, and nail skin prevents foreign matter from penetrating into the growth and sensitive areas of the nail plate.

  1. Half Moon (Lunula)

The visible area at the base of the nail is called a half-moon or half-moon. The visibility of half-moon depends on the size and structure of the nail roots, so half-moon is not visible on all nails.

  1. Nail root (nail matrix)

The root of the nail, also known as the nail matrix, is the most important area of ​​the nail. Nail plates are produced by generating cells at the base of the nails. The width and thickness of the nail plate depend on the size and shape of the nail root. The width of the nail root also determines the width of the nail plate. The length of the nail root determines the thickness of the nail plate. Avoid damage to the roots of the nails. All injuries to the root of the nail are visible on the growing nail plate and may also cause growth to rupture.

This article is transferred from the Internet.

See more ideas about nail knowledge, nail art design and pretty nails.


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