When the rubs only appeared, and everyone started to play with them, I stayed on the side. It seemed to me that I would not get anything done, nothing would be used anywhere, the top would all eat, show nothing, end, death. For this reason, I even refused to take a rub on the review.
As a result, curiosity turned out to be stronger, I gave up, but the most banal, the simplest, from which everything once began, continued to be ignored. I'm all it's for. The time has come.
BeautyBigBang Silver Mirror Chrome Nail Powder (SKU: J2949) , as the name implies, is a silver-colored metallic vortex.
First I tried to apply it on a regular varnish. Like it turned out, the effect was interesting - the color varnish seemed to have acquired a "chrome" surface, but not very pronounced. Then I resorted to the proven method and used as a substrate a black glittering base. Here the result turned out to be quite different, the color of the base completely and immediately overlapped with the powder rubbed into it, and I got a pronounced metal on my nails.
I covered the covers, of course, first with the pylon base, and then I applied the usual top. In general, metal rubbing is clearly not the case where it is worth experimenting with tops, because such a surface is easy to spoil.
Even here at first the coating was completely homogeneous, fine particles of powder were lost without a trace, but later something changed, and it was already possible to consider some heterogeneity nearby. Nevertheless, at the distance of the outstretched hand everything was as before. The promised mirror image was also present. Here, for example, whether the camera is reflected, whether I myself, or we are together.
I went with such a manicure for a couple of days, then the butts began to get a little rubbed off (which, as I found out, is generally normal for a glitter base combination + any rubbing), and I erased everything.
Now all the same I want to try to apply Silver Mirror Chrome Nail Powder on usual color varnish and to finish manicure up to the end, to look, what effect it is possible to achieve.